Welcome to my site. Here you will find some info about me, the things I do and a listing of upcoming (and past) presentations and lectures. While I initially expected most of my posts to be about Open Source/Free Software (hence the name), these days it's mostly rants and ramblings about running.

Week 4 playlist

We started week 4 of the Couch to 5k training today. Each week, as it gets more demanding, I get worried that we won't make it through; each week I've been shocked at our progress. My knees hurt this time, but other than that I'm feeling pretty good.

This week's playlist is:

  • Remote Control: The Clash
  • Shoplifting: The Slits
  • B Movie: Layabouts
  • Raining Pleasure: The Triffids
  • I Fought The Law: Dead Kennedys
  • Viva Zapatos!: Zero Content
  • Jesus Hits Like An Atom Bomb: Lowell Blanchard
  • Moses With A Gun: Chumbawamba
  • Governments Lie: Layabouts
  • Short Songs: Dead Kennedys
  • Your Revolution: Sarah Jones

photo, June 9

Hopefully some day soon, the City bureaucracy will get out of its own way and finalize the approvals for the rebuilding of ABC No Rio, until then I will continue to hope the building lasts until then.

Today's photos are of the roof of ABC No Rio after this afternoon's heavy rain.

photo, june 8

not sure, but it looked like a petrified pigeon feather

photo, june 7

photos, june 6

the east half of Washington Square, which has been closed for a long time for renovations opened sometime in the past week or so since I last walked by.