every cop is a criminal and all the bikers, saints

Today's rant and photos are related for once.

I've been reading a lot about the current crackdown on "dangerous bicycles" going on in the city. All over the city bike riders are being turned into the scapegoat for our unsafe streets, while car drivers continue to refuse to acknowledge the reality that they are driving dangerous weapons.

People post comments to blogs about how they were "almost hit" by a bicycle yet when the same thing happens to them with a car they ignore it as just a normal part of city life.

I spent a half hour today at the corner of Delancey and Clinton, watching cars fly through the red light, threatening the safety of pedestrians and bicyclists while a traffic cop stood by flirting with every woman that passed by.

Check out this series of photos, you can see that long after the walk signal goes off, cars continue to run the red ignoring the people that are trying to cross the street.

When I confronted the traffic cop about it, he informed me that it was not his job to enforce traffic rules, it was his job to keep cars moving. So as far as he was concerned, allowing cars to run the red light and put others' safety at risk was him doing his job.

As we were debating this, a car that was running the red light screeched to a halt stopping inches away from a bike rider legally crossing in the crosswalk. When I asked the cop how he could say that it was not part of his job to deal with that situation, he threatened to have me arrested and I walked away.

Either stop paying these idiots to stand around doing nothing, or demand they do their jobs. Enough is enough! tomorrow I'll call and file a complaint. We'll see how it goes.