Is a General Strike possible in America today?

The IWW commissioned my old friend Eric Drooker to design a poster promoting the idea of a General Strike in Wisconsin.

I've been hosting Eric's website for years on a gift economy billing plan -- the server's just sitting there... might as well use it. While I'm not confident in the possibility of a General Strike, I can tell you that the downloads of his strike posters nearly crippled my server.

Luckily I was able to move the images to the Ourmedia collection at the Internet Archive, put in place a few redirects and keep things running.

From the beating the server has been taking, I can say that a lot of people are energized by the possibility. This might just be one of the best opportunities for building Unions in a hundred years.

I do not think that a general strike is possible, I'm not sure if it's wise. However, what is possible today has no impact on what might happen next week.

To the barricades comrades!

Today's photos are of three dead TVs sitting in front of the 7th Precinct on Pitt Street. I guess the cops did not like what they saw on the evening news?


where's the poster?

would you mind posting a link? there's too much flash on that site...

direct links

Drooker does love his flash, eh?

all the general strike posters now live on their own domain/server
here's some direct links. there's more translations being uploaded frequently